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10 Things to do in Escape from Tarkov late wipe.

10 Things to do in Escape from Tarkov late wipe.

Written by Ruin Hatter

Escape from Tarkov is often a game referred to as best played early in the wipe. Without a doubt as the wipe goes on the gear and ammo increases. More players walk around heavily geared and the time to kill seems to get shorter and shorter. As the wipe goes later and later more players fall off of Tarkov moving on to other games. Mostly cause as it stands right now outside of questing for the coveted Kappa container Escape from Tarkov doesn’t offer that much in form of content that most fps or MMO players would expect.

Escape from Tarkov is a complicated and ambitious game with Battlestate Games headed by Nikita Buyanov. While a lot of time has already been sunk into development and a long line of content incoming. Trying to find what to do in late wipe when you’re itching for that game of Tarkov can be frustrating. Well have no fear!

My name is Ruin Hatter. I’m a Twitch streamer and content creator that focuses on FPS games, mainly Escape from Tarkov. With several wipes and nearly two thousand hours under my belt I’m going to give you ten things you can do to make late wipe Tarkov more interesting and fun!

Play with different guns, attachments and ammo! Not everything needs to be meta to be good or even useful. EFT is full of different types of guns and attachments that make them that little bit better. Take your time to get to know all the guns and become comfortable with using them. Scav runs are great for this as you receive random weapons. Use them as best as you can. Take raider weapons and use them as is. Find out what attachments can go on different guns and what you can modify in the field and what’s good to hold onto when you get back to the hideout. Get to know your ammo as well! Tarkov wiki has a great ballistics chart to work with provided by the contreater NoFoodAfterMidnight..man is basically a Tarkov legend at this point.

Any ammo can be good and will kill! I can make your life miserable with Warmage, just have to know where to shoot. Being well versed in the ammo and weapons with Tarkov makes you extremely versatile! It means in any situation you can grab a gun and know how it is going to work. You can check the mag and know right where to shoot. Knowing what the gun in your hand can do gives you information you need to know on how to engage in your next fight. It means if you run dry with your primary weapon and still in the thick of it the scavs weapon next to you will still do the job, cause you know how to use it.


Go for your max hideout! It may seem silly in late wipe to try and max out your hideout and even slightly counterproductive. Going for a max hideout is about experience. How to quickly achieve the goals set in front of you for each level. Where to find items that can make it building up your hideout go faster and smoother. The first time doing anything in EFT is the hardest it will ever be. Each time you’ll be faster and more knowledgeable. Meaning next wipe you’ll have your Bitcoin farm going that much faster and making free income in no time.

Master a loot run. Making money is a great way to get over gear fear. A way to always have Rubles in the bank is mastering a loot run. Tarkov offers two excellent maps from which to make money on a consistent basis. Let’s start with Interchange. Interchange is a great map as you could literally walk around the entire outside of the mall. Picking off scavs and grabbing the bevy of hidden loot stashes hidden throughout. Add in a parking area that if you’re careful can avoid combat and make you a ton of cash. Inside the mall itself there are plenty of chances for graphics cards and Ledxs if you have the keys and the nerve. Inside the mall can turn into a nightmare quickly with sniping pmcs and the scav boss Killa. Personally if you go Interchange to make a buck stick to the outside and the power station.

Reserve is the other map where you can make a lot of money and a personal favorite of mine. Ask anyone in my discord where I want to go raid and everyone will shout “RESERVE!” without a second thought. Reserve offers players a little bit of everything. From Raiders to rare loot. From graphics cards to phased arrays. From military tech to medical supplies and loads and loads of ammo! Toss in a scav boss, Gluhar and his boys, chalk full of good gear. Reserve is a loot goblin paradise! Now to be fair it does take a lot of keys to really get the goods out of Reserve. Early in the wipe I’m checking every jacket in the entire region to track down as many reserve keys as I can. Many of the locked doors are gold in Reserve. Many hold safes and weapons. Reserve also has three marked rooms to loot from that often have the best of items you can find. Side note…the marked room in the underground bunker below the helicopter isn’t very good.

Whether you choose Interchange or Reserve, having a good loot run that avoids conflict, maximizes loot and focuses on speed will keep that bank account nice and healthy. If you’re looking for some loot run ideas YouTube is full of content creators that have done countless loot runs. Personally I’d start with Pestily. He has some of the best informative videos in the Escape from Tarkov community.

Another great thing you can do is find a map to “main”. Now this may seem the same as mastering a map for loot run but there is a pretty significant difference. When I say I main Reserve it means that not only can I do a loot run through it. I can also come in full gear and work my way through the map. I know every in and out. I know the pathing of players through the map. I know when scavs spawn and where. I can do a scav run through Reserve and walk out with more gear then most PMCs come in with. When I play on a team I can take point and lead my team through the map. Having a map you know inside and out is a huge advantage! Knowledge is the ultimate power in Tarkov and being a master of even one map can make you life so much easier!


Take time to learn a new map! As we go through a wipe and complete our tasks we tend to avoid certain maps. As Tarkov progresses and more tasks are added to the game, we may find ourselves having to go more and more to maps we may simply not like all that much. Take this time now in late wipe to at least learn your way around those maps you don’t go to often. Learn where the spawns are, figure out how to navigate the map, and learn where all the extracts are. You certainly don’t have to master the map by any means but even a basic understanding of any map can make future taking that much easier.

Learn to play differently than what you’re used to. Okay bare with me but what I mean is if you are used to playing solo find a team to play with and if you’re usually playing on a team learn to play solo. Now if you’re a solo player the simple act of finding a team can seem fairly daunting. Fear not I have an answer! There’s a number of discords and communities you can join to find players! Nearly every streamer big or small has a Discord you can join. Though for your best chance to find others like minded to play with join the official Escape from Tarkov discord. This is a great place to request a Sherpa, someone who works in the community helping new players. You can also find others looking to group up. Then hop into a Discord voice chat and off you go! Now why bother learning how to play either solo or in a team? Each has an advantage and disadvantage. Playing solo means more loot for you! With fewer mouths to feed everything you find is yours. It also adds the advantage of moving at your own pace and being able to stay quiet moving about unseen. 

Now playing in a team is a whole nother matter. Having teammates to worry about working on comms is going to be key. Finding a regular group to play with, working out callouts and learning each other’s styles of play can be a very rewarding experience. There’s strength in numbers and Tarkov is no different. From going around with a friend in duos or going full five man fire squad. Teaming up can be rewarding and at times very frustrating. Having a good ability to communicate your actions, locations and being able to understand your teammates communications is first order of business. Knowing the callouts for the map, coordinating your actions as a team, knowing how to engage as a team and disengage are all skills that can go a long way to a successful raid. The downside is there can be less loot, but if you’re willing to take your time going through the map everyone can get something. The other downside is your teammates will die, and they will have gear. Make sure everyone talks about how they as a team want to handle gear when someone dies in a raid. Tarkov being Tarkov will make people lose their tempers and mistakes like team killing will happen. With the right group though playing with a group of friends can be a lot of fun and add something to a game late wipe that you just can’t get as a solo.


Practice taking on Raiders and Bosses. Raiders and Bosses are great for loot and experience! As a scav Raiders and Bosses can be a great way to score some top line gear for your later raids while risking nothing yourself. As a PMC being able to take on these top tier enemies will net you serious experience, gear, bosses are incorporated for tasks and special items.

Bosses and Raiders are tough to fight. With their dead eye aim and better equipment a unpracticed player will soon find himself face down against these guys. This can be a great time in late wipe when there are less players in raid to take on these high tier baddies without the worry of a third party.


Try some challenges! This can be a great way to make late wipe more fun! You can try the Dr. Lupo Snowball Challenge. Give the Hardcore challenge a try. Don’t want to try some of the streamer challenges? That’s cool come up with some of your own. Like using a specific type of gun, ammo or armor. Try to make challenges that will test areas in the game you are not strong at to get better. Like how much money can you make in a loot run or how much can you raise the average of like ten loot runs? Can you cut down on the time while making more money? You can literally take any aspect of Tarkov and design a challenge wrapped around it.

PVP can be one of the most difficult aspects of Escape from Tarkov. Bots no matter how good their AI might be can be predictable and have that propensity taken advantage of. A human player on the other hand is a completely different beast. Now this may seem a bit crazy trying to engage in PVP in late wipe when everyone is running the best gear and ammo. This is actually one of the best times. First learning how to take down top kitted players will make taking down far less kitted players early next wipe that much easier. Remember how in the start of this article I mentioned learning how to use different ammos? Well this is a great way to try to take on players in a variety of different ways. Players will often respond differently, make sudden or unpredictable moves. Then again after a time you’ll see players also make similar plays over and again. Try out sniping, try fighting midrange and then practice getting up close and personal. This collective experience of fighting PVP over and again will not only increase your confidence but your ability as well. So go out there and try to clap some cheeks!


Last but definitely not least go for the gold ring. Go for the Kappa container. Late wipe this may seem like a fruitless pursuit. In some cases you may think or even know you don’t have enough time to complete all the tasks required to get the Kappa. Getting the case is of course the goal but in this case it’s also about the journey. There’s a pretty large number of tasks needed to complete Kappa. According to Pestily it takes just over three hundred raids to get the container. Each time you do a quest the faster you’ll be the next time around. The more tasks you do the more experience you have and soon before you know it you’re able to get that elusive Kappa container before you know it. 


I’m sure that throughout this piece you’ve noticed a pretty consistent theme and that is knowledge is power. The more you know about Tarkov simply put the better you will do overall. There’s few teachers better than experience and that proves double true for Escape from Tarkov. Though it’s not your only path to travel. It’s nothing for me throughout most of my day to have a twitch stream in my ear relating to Escape from Tarkov and another YouTube video showing me something I didn’t know before. If you find yourself just hooked to this game like I have been. Then I cannot recommend enough that you take the time and check out some of the amazing Tarkov streamers and content creators on Twitch, Facebook and YouTube. 


Good luck out there raiders and happy hunting!